Sweet Feet

I saw my Sammy’s feet this morning as I was feeding Sawyer in the rocking chair.  I saw only his feet because Big Bear was hiding the rest of him.  When Sammy was a baby and I’d change his diaper or play with him, I would kiss his feet and call them “Sweet Feet.”  They are a little bigger now….and a little dirtier at times!  What precious feet they both have.  I enjoy watching Sawyer try to feed himself his toes – sometimes Sammy tries to help.  Sammy stumped his toe really bad last week.  Life is hard on the feet.  We sometimes ride bikes in the driveway when Sammy wakes up early and I enjoy my coffee.  He doesn’t want his shoes on in the morning…I can’t remember exactly what he says, but it’s something about “blowing out his feet.”  Sometimes what they say doesn’t make senes, but a Mom understands it anyway!

Sweet feet also reminds me of the passage in Chapter 7 of the Gospel of Luke, v.37-38, when a sinful woman stood behind Jesus at his feet with a jar of perfume.  She wept at his feet and as her tears fell, she wiped his feet with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.  These are the same feet that were pierced for our transgressions (Ps. 22:16 and Isaiah 53:5).  These are the same feet that walked on water (John 6:19).  These are the same feet whose footstool is his enemies (Ps. 110:1 & Matt. 22:44). 

Because of His feet, my feet have been lifted out of the slimy pit and set upon a rock.  He’s given me a firm place to stand, put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to my God so that many will see and fear and put their trust in Him (Ps. 40:2).  He’s provided my feet with a lamp through the power of His Word (Ps. 119:105).  Because of Him I can safely stand and see my way through this journey.  And because of Him I, too, can have beautiful sweet feet by sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  His feet indeed are gloriously sweet feet. 

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