It feels good to be back…

Ahhhhh…this is nice.  I’ve missed blogging – composing my thoughts from the day or whatever has been going on. 

 Sunday is my favorite day of the week.  Beginning it with worship at our church starts my week off right.  Today Pastor spoke on “Becoming a Wife for Life.”  It was a wonderfully encouraging message, as well as challenging.  After 13 years of marriage we have made some strides, with still more to go!  Tony has always said that you mix your bitters with your sweets, and we are grateful to have had many wonderfully sweet times.  Today’s sermon reminded me that it’s all a process and my need to embrace the process.  My perfectionism wants to get it right, right now!  By God’s grace, He is teaching me to embrace the process in all things, thereby lessening my anxiety.  This is nice!

My liesurely moments today were spent taking a nap (much needed as my Sawyer is still not sleeping through the night!), reading a library book (I ENJOY reading fiction) while swinging outside, playing “ball” down the hall with the boys, playing soccer with Sammy outside.  And after blogging, I’m on to more reading – good books are great!  My current read is Women’s Intuition by Lisa Samson.  Last week I finished reading (within a week) The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls.   On my booklist are The Island and The Next Thing On My List.  I’m grateful that my Momma taught me to enjoy reading.  Each day I read to my children with the hopes that they, too, will be avid readers.  Sometimes I have checked on Sammy after he’s been quiet for a bit too long…and I’ve found him sitting in his rocking chair looking through a book!  What a joy!  Enough about books!  I’m off to read!