Stone Sunday Chronicles

It is a month from my latest post of Stone Sunday Chronicles.  My husband did hijack the computer two of those weeks, editing his GoPro fishing videos.  And probably my other Sunday late evenings were spent going to bed at a decent time.  Nonetheless, here alas, is another chronicle of our Sunday, my favorite day of the week.

If you asked my husband his favorite part of Sunday corporate worship, he’d definitely say “preaching.”  He’s not much of a singer, although he confesses to singing in his heart and mind 😉  Me, it’s always been the music.  I was raised in the Church of Christ, so at that time we sang Acapella from the hymnal.  I was all about it.  When I hopped over to the Baptist in college, I sang in the BSU choir with an electric keyboard and loved it!  I’m also an instrumentalist, so I’d just say, music moves me.  One of the songs this morning caught my heart – Raised to Life – and here’s why it spoke to me.  You see, I want to walk in Truth.  I want all of the abundant life God offers me this side of heaven.  In John 10:10 (NIV) it says 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.  Well, I want it to the full.  And I believe that to have that, I get to practice believing Truth revealed to me in HIS Word.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says “ Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!”  I want to live that!

So, here are the words that landed in my heart – and with each repeat, I could sense a reminder to believe HIM:

Sin was strong
But Jesus is stronger
Our shame was great
But Jesus You’re greater

Some days it’s seems like the opposite, huh?  But Truth is that HE is stronger and greater than our sin and shame!  Isn’t that glorious!???  I hope you will come along with me and choose to hang your hat on this Truth and walk in it!

Through the message this morning, I was challenged to consider what lies/false gods I am hanging onto as I seek to enter the promised land of this abundant life, here and now.  My other challenge was to consider how I am perceiving those who are non-Christian around me.

Our 2nd hour was spent with 11 fabulous 4 year olds.  We had a great time telling the story of the woman at the well.  One of the things I’ve begun to do with them is practice reciting scripture with me.  They are each so happy to come say scripture with me and get a sticker!  I still think they like my husband better than all of us!  He had been out two weeks and they were each so glad to see him and ran and gave him a hug.  Today was also Teacher Appreciation day, and one of our child’s families made us small yummy treats and our Preschool leader gave each teacher a wonderful hand-made pie for serving.  We are grateful for the privilege of serving these children in His Name.

Husband and I had an afternoon date time as we dined alfresco and it was so relaxing.  The boys enjoyed time with their MeMe.  I came back after an afternoon of doing nothing and made Scrambled Eggs in Muffin Tin.  This recipe is so easy to work with; I threw in diced baked potato to saute after my sausage had cooked.  The boys were delighted to have it as dinner (as I don’t cook on Sunday nights, so this was a treat!) and husband gets a few for an early morning breakfast.  Score for me!

Here’s the link for the Raised to Life video.  I hope you have time to enjoy worshiping – basking in His love for you and choosing to believe and walk in Truth revealed.

God’s Best to you,


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