Out from the Holiday fog

Well, from Thanksgiving prep to  New Year’s Day (and to me, after the complete first week of the New Year), it’s time to come out from the holiday fog!

I’ve not blogged b/c there are several things I wanted to blog about (some started and waiting in unpublished) but could never finish them.  Since I’m still a recovering perfectionist I’ve recently realized I’d slipped back into the “All or Nothing” realm.  Now that’s a real fog!  So here I am, ready to hit some highlights of the past few weeks!

  1. Christmas was great – I had tears in my eyes as I saw the excitment of my Sammy over his Jet airplane.  He has had such a great time with that toy.  As he and SW were opening gifts from our extended family he touched my shoulder and said “Mom, this is the best Christmas ever.”  What a kid!  It was a true blessing to have our families over for dinner. 
  2. My favorite gift – 2 “hot-pad” gloves so I’d stop burning myself using a dish towel.  I put this on and pretend to be a crab with my children, so they serve double duty!  A gift I received from my mom that I’ve been wanting for a long time but would never buy were some thirsty stone coasters with our initial – they are the prettiest and I’d never seen them in this design.  They are perfect! 
  3. This year we didn’t draw names and exchange with our extended family.  I didn’t like that and hope to do something different this year.
  4. I received a wonderfully unexpected gift from a new friend after Christmas – they were homemade goodies that included truffles!  WOW!  She’s my friend forever 😉  Along with some vanilla syrup for a homemade vanilla diet coke.  Thanks, M!  Hugs to you!
  5. New Year’s Eve was uneventful – I think everyone was in bed and I was left reading a book, which was ok for me.
  6. Speaking of books, I’m reading T.L. Higley’s Shadow of Colossus – very good.  I’m always struck by the bookcover and this draws me in.
  7. We’ve started painting the trim work in our home.  Inch by inch, everything’s a cinch.  This is me leaving “All or nothing” or the house would never get painted!

Well, one kid needs me in the kitchen to help with chores.  Running  a little late today!

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