Day 2 – Photo of the Day

IMG_4744 (3)  C is for Clarinet

Last year I’d entertained the thought of selling this beauty.  She is a Buffet B-flat Clarinet R13.  We have been together since about 9th grade, so over 3o years.  She and I had much fun all the way through college marching band.  I played some before kids, performing with our local community band and teaching lessons for a short season.

So I thought I’d take her in to our local music store and discuss a trade for some stringed instruments.  I have a great desire to learn something along the lines of guitar, ukulele, dulcimer.  Someone had asked me “Do you think you might play again?” Well, I haven’t all these years, so I thought I’d get her out and see what I thought.  Well, I’m still smitten with her.  I think she and I still have places to go we had not traveled previously.  So, I’m thinking she’s a keeper.  And we’ll have to save our pennies for the other instruments.  Isn’t she beautiful?

Day 1 – Photo of the Day

F is for Friends

So, I purchased a new toy this week – a Canon Rebel Ti2.  Thrilled.  My small goal is a photo a day (I took 95 today) and to work my way through the alphabet…in no particular order, obviously.  But I thought this photo was the best.  They’ve been friends for several years now.  When B’s dad purchased the land across from our home, our boys would rush over any time Mr. I came to work on the land, and to add icing to the cake?  He had children close to our boys age.  Their land makes kickball and night tag great fun.  B came to the park with us today for fishing.
